Monday, September 15, 2014

Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes

I was recently asked what my favorite brush cleaner is.  The answer is simple but before I share my answer, or you can cheat and skip ahead, I want to give you some quick facts and tips on brush cleaning.

First of all, YES you do have to clean your makeup brushes for a few reasons:

  • When you invest in a makeup brush, you want to make sure to take care of them and get all the use you can from them.  Plus washing regularly will help keep them soft.
  • Brushes can be a breeding ground for bacteria.  Your face produces natural oils and these oils get on your brush and spread over your skin.
Secondly, if you don't spot clean your brushes during the week then be sure to clean them once a week.  Try to wash at night and let them dry overnight.  Spot cleaning means spraying the brushes after you use them and cleaning them off.  If you do this, you can skip deep cleaning once a week and just do it once a month, which is what I do.  If you don't spot clean then definitely plan on deep cleaning them one time a week. 

What I use to spot clean:  my favorite spot cleaner is Estee Lauder's Makeup Brush Cleaner.  YOu get a lot of product for only $16.50 and my bottle lasts several months.  Find this at any Estee Lauder Counter or online.

How I spot clean:  I get an old towel (which is my official makeup towel), spray the brush hairs only and swirl the brush on my makeup towel to remove product.  That's it.  NOw it's clean and ready to use.  Simple.

What I use to deep clean:  There are several things I use to deep clean.  Some of my favorites are Original Dawn Dish Soap, Baby Shampoo and The Master's Brush Cleaner and Preserver.  The best part is that they are all under $5.  YOu can find The Master's Brush Cleaner at Hobby Lobby or Michael's and use their 40% off coupon to get it under the $5 price point.  

How I deep clean:  Make sure water is lukewarm.  Get the brush hairs (only) completely wet (not the metal part).  Lather up the soap, swirl in palm of hand then rinse in water.  Gently squeeze excess water out from brush and lay on a clean towel to air dry for approximately 6-8 hours.

That's it for brush cleaning - pretty simple.  Don't let the fact that it's a long, boring chore stop you from cleaning those brushes!  Watch one of my You Tube videos (or any one of your favorite You Tubers) while you do it so you can kill some time!  ;)

Lastly, don't forget about the makeup brush handle.  Get some rubbing alcohol in a paper towel and wipe handle down.  

Leave any questions down below and share what your favorite brush cleaner is.  


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

MUA (Makeup Artist) Series: How To Start Freelancing

Y'all know I have to put my disclaimer out there right?  Okay, so let's get it over with Prissy.

*Disclaimer:  I still have a lot to learn and I love that about what I do.  Any "advice" given is based off of my personal experiences and/or recommended by my fellow friend(s) who are also Makeup Artists.

My friend Aileen asked on my Facebook page (click here to jump over and check it out) how to start freelancing.  This is a VERY broad topic so I'm going to break down the answers between here, my You Tube Channel (click here to visit my Channel and subscribe while you're there so you don't miss any videos:) and my Facebook page.

I've decided to answer this question very generally and then talk about specifics in future posts or videos.  By the way, if there's anything YOU want to know, please ask either on here or FB.

Here's what I've learned and recommend on starting your own freelance business.

1.   HAVE A MENTOR!!! - This is number one for a reason.  I have an amazing friend who is a fellow and professional makeup artist in Chicago who has helped me SOOO much.  Without her wisdom, guidance and encouragement, I'd be lost.  So find the same.  Talk with someone who is willing to let you pick their brain.  And then...take notes!  ;)

2.   Order your business cards.  Pretty self explanatory.

3.   Sell yourself.  Tell everyone what you are venturing into and be confident about it.  No wavering on your capabilities and talent.  Word of mouth is your biggest advertisement so tell everyone you know and then ask them to keep you in mind if anyone they know needs a makeup artist.

4.   Build your kit and know that building it slowly is okay.  This is pretty extensive.  I'll have some upcoming videos on You Tube about what I generally carry then move on to favorites, must haves, etc.

5.   Practice, Practice, Practice.  This one was stressed often by my mentor and after several faces, I understood why.  Btw, I still have many faces to make over so I'm not done.  :)  As you apply makeup on different ethnicities, facial structures, skin types, preferences, etc. you learn the technique and art of applying makeup, how to deal with different personalities & settings as well as find out what you need in your kit and what isn't working.   Plus the more you practice, the more confident you will become.

6.  Advertise and Practice some more.

I know this is basic information but it's important and the foundation to getting started.  If I missed something, I will be sure to mention that in a future post.

If you're a fellow MUA, please share your advice in the comments section.  If you're not, share your thoughts, comments or questions.


Monday, September 8, 2014

In What Order Should I Apply My Makeup?

I recently asked on my Facebook Page if anyone had questions they wanted answered.  My friend Julie, asked "what are the makeup steps as far as order?".  Great question!  Let's dive in.

First, let me place my disclaimers:
1.   The order will be different for most individuals - after playing around with a few different "orders" find and use what works best for YOU.
2.  The steps below are a general list.  I usually follow this, but sometimes I go a little crazy and don't "paint" in order.  ;)

Before applying makeup, always make sure you are starting with a clean canvas.  Translation:  Clean your face and moisturize! Here's the general order I follow:

1.    Eye shadow Primer
2.   Eyes: shadow, liner, mascara, etc. (be sure to clean up any mess that may have fallen underneath)
3.   Foundation
4.   Brows
5.   Corrector & concealer
6.   Set face and concealer with powder
7.   Bronzer
8.   Blush
9.   Highlight
10.   Lips

So there you go ladies, now you know my secret.  Not at all - kidding.  I hope you found this helpful.  If you have any tips or orders of your own you want to share, please feel free to!

If you're not subscribed to my blog, please take a few seconds to do that now.  This will be a central hub for longer articles dedicated to my beauty posts / questions.  And if you're not following me on Facebook click here to "like" my page and get involved.  Ask your questions there, share your tips, photos, or just say hello.

Talk to you soon!