Monday, October 6, 2014

Weekend Highlights

Hello Monday, we meet again!

This weekend, like the rest, flew by (unfortunately).  However, it was pretty productive.

Friday evening we had family time.  We ordered in Pizza and watched some prank videos on You Tube then played the card game "Would You Rather".  We like watching Ed Bassmaster and FouseyTUBE for pranks.  You all have to watch his Mortal Kombat Elevator Prank.  OMG.  As a Mortal Kombat fan, this amplified my laughter.  It was hilarious!  I hope he brings more of those in the near future.  As for the games, we usually switch it up but this Friday was pretty simple and was all about non-thinking / strategizing required.  :)

Saturday was busy!  Our daughter went to her best friends house for a sleepover so our son, my husband and I went through ALL the boxes we moved from our last home here.  We had two truckloads of trash and about 9 boxes to donate.  It's crazy how much crap you accumulate over the years.  So we did that for about 8 hours.  Needless to say I was pooped!  I showered and at about 7:30 was ready for bed but I didn't sleep...that would have been way too early.  I ended up having a marathon of a new You Tuber I found the other day.  Her name is Cherish and her You Tube channel is linked here .  I really like her y'all!  I ended Saturday with finding spots in my built in bathroom vanity for my makeup that was still in boxes.  I went to sleep happy because alas, everything had a home (until I get a new organizer later).  Do you know how hard it is to work out of Ulta bags and put your makeup on the floor?  It blows.

Sunday was pretty chill.  Our friends came over for the Texans vs. Cowboys game while I served burger sliders, onion rings, sausage, and queso (my husband's recipe) with chips.  Yeah you read that veggies.  oops.  After they left I ended Sunday with my normal routine of typing out my action list for the week for both personal and work.  I like doing this Sunday nights and printing it out so that Monday morning I know what I'm doing.  Aside from the list that I check off throughout the week, I have a planner that has specific "to do's" on certain days of the week.  I might share what these look like in a future post.

That was my weekend.  How was yours?  Did you do anything fun, relaxing or productive?  Let me know!


Monday, September 15, 2014

Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes

I was recently asked what my favorite brush cleaner is.  The answer is simple but before I share my answer, or you can cheat and skip ahead, I want to give you some quick facts and tips on brush cleaning.

First of all, YES you do have to clean your makeup brushes for a few reasons:

  • When you invest in a makeup brush, you want to make sure to take care of them and get all the use you can from them.  Plus washing regularly will help keep them soft.
  • Brushes can be a breeding ground for bacteria.  Your face produces natural oils and these oils get on your brush and spread over your skin.
Secondly, if you don't spot clean your brushes during the week then be sure to clean them once a week.  Try to wash at night and let them dry overnight.  Spot cleaning means spraying the brushes after you use them and cleaning them off.  If you do this, you can skip deep cleaning once a week and just do it once a month, which is what I do.  If you don't spot clean then definitely plan on deep cleaning them one time a week. 

What I use to spot clean:  my favorite spot cleaner is Estee Lauder's Makeup Brush Cleaner.  YOu get a lot of product for only $16.50 and my bottle lasts several months.  Find this at any Estee Lauder Counter or online.

How I spot clean:  I get an old towel (which is my official makeup towel), spray the brush hairs only and swirl the brush on my makeup towel to remove product.  That's it.  NOw it's clean and ready to use.  Simple.

What I use to deep clean:  There are several things I use to deep clean.  Some of my favorites are Original Dawn Dish Soap, Baby Shampoo and The Master's Brush Cleaner and Preserver.  The best part is that they are all under $5.  YOu can find The Master's Brush Cleaner at Hobby Lobby or Michael's and use their 40% off coupon to get it under the $5 price point.  

How I deep clean:  Make sure water is lukewarm.  Get the brush hairs (only) completely wet (not the metal part).  Lather up the soap, swirl in palm of hand then rinse in water.  Gently squeeze excess water out from brush and lay on a clean towel to air dry for approximately 6-8 hours.

That's it for brush cleaning - pretty simple.  Don't let the fact that it's a long, boring chore stop you from cleaning those brushes!  Watch one of my You Tube videos (or any one of your favorite You Tubers) while you do it so you can kill some time!  ;)

Lastly, don't forget about the makeup brush handle.  Get some rubbing alcohol in a paper towel and wipe handle down.  

Leave any questions down below and share what your favorite brush cleaner is.  


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

MUA (Makeup Artist) Series: How To Start Freelancing

Y'all know I have to put my disclaimer out there right?  Okay, so let's get it over with Prissy.

*Disclaimer:  I still have a lot to learn and I love that about what I do.  Any "advice" given is based off of my personal experiences and/or recommended by my fellow friend(s) who are also Makeup Artists.

My friend Aileen asked on my Facebook page (click here to jump over and check it out) how to start freelancing.  This is a VERY broad topic so I'm going to break down the answers between here, my You Tube Channel (click here to visit my Channel and subscribe while you're there so you don't miss any videos:) and my Facebook page.

I've decided to answer this question very generally and then talk about specifics in future posts or videos.  By the way, if there's anything YOU want to know, please ask either on here or FB.

Here's what I've learned and recommend on starting your own freelance business.

1.   HAVE A MENTOR!!! - This is number one for a reason.  I have an amazing friend who is a fellow and professional makeup artist in Chicago who has helped me SOOO much.  Without her wisdom, guidance and encouragement, I'd be lost.  So find the same.  Talk with someone who is willing to let you pick their brain.  And then...take notes!  ;)

2.   Order your business cards.  Pretty self explanatory.

3.   Sell yourself.  Tell everyone what you are venturing into and be confident about it.  No wavering on your capabilities and talent.  Word of mouth is your biggest advertisement so tell everyone you know and then ask them to keep you in mind if anyone they know needs a makeup artist.

4.   Build your kit and know that building it slowly is okay.  This is pretty extensive.  I'll have some upcoming videos on You Tube about what I generally carry then move on to favorites, must haves, etc.

5.   Practice, Practice, Practice.  This one was stressed often by my mentor and after several faces, I understood why.  Btw, I still have many faces to make over so I'm not done.  :)  As you apply makeup on different ethnicities, facial structures, skin types, preferences, etc. you learn the technique and art of applying makeup, how to deal with different personalities & settings as well as find out what you need in your kit and what isn't working.   Plus the more you practice, the more confident you will become.

6.  Advertise and Practice some more.

I know this is basic information but it's important and the foundation to getting started.  If I missed something, I will be sure to mention that in a future post.

If you're a fellow MUA, please share your advice in the comments section.  If you're not, share your thoughts, comments or questions.


Monday, September 8, 2014

In What Order Should I Apply My Makeup?

I recently asked on my Facebook Page if anyone had questions they wanted answered.  My friend Julie, asked "what are the makeup steps as far as order?".  Great question!  Let's dive in.

First, let me place my disclaimers:
1.   The order will be different for most individuals - after playing around with a few different "orders" find and use what works best for YOU.
2.  The steps below are a general list.  I usually follow this, but sometimes I go a little crazy and don't "paint" in order.  ;)

Before applying makeup, always make sure you are starting with a clean canvas.  Translation:  Clean your face and moisturize! Here's the general order I follow:

1.    Eye shadow Primer
2.   Eyes: shadow, liner, mascara, etc. (be sure to clean up any mess that may have fallen underneath)
3.   Foundation
4.   Brows
5.   Corrector & concealer
6.   Set face and concealer with powder
7.   Bronzer
8.   Blush
9.   Highlight
10.   Lips

So there you go ladies, now you know my secret.  Not at all - kidding.  I hope you found this helpful.  If you have any tips or orders of your own you want to share, please feel free to!

If you're not subscribed to my blog, please take a few seconds to do that now.  This will be a central hub for longer articles dedicated to my beauty posts / questions.  And if you're not following me on Facebook click here to "like" my page and get involved.  Ask your questions there, share your tips, photos, or just say hello.

Talk to you soon!


Saturday, June 7, 2014

China Glaze That's Shore Bright

A fellow You Tube friend of mine (thebeautiverse) mentioned this nail polish in a recent favorites video.  I fell in love and knew I had to have it.  

That's Shore Bright released with the 2013 Summer Sensational Collection.  This shade is a purple creme but in certain light I feel like you can see very subtle hints of pink.  It seems like this shade is on the verge of being neon but not quite there.  It's a unique shade in my collection and I'm already thinking that I would like a back up because I never want to run out of this polish.  I know, I have issues. 

The formula was nice and thicker than most but not goopy.  The opacity was great and you could definitely get away with one application but you know me, two it is.  

If you like colors like this, I would say go and look for it and rock it.  It makes a great mani or pedi color.  

I found That's Shore Bright at Ulta for approximately $7.50 US dollars.
Be sure to add this one to your list to check out. ;). 

P 💋

Friday, May 30, 2014

Summer Beauty Wish List

I don't know about you all, but I seem to have never ending lists of beauty items I want and they're everywhere:  my phone, note pads, note books, mental notes, etc.  I clearly have issues..I know.  Regardless, there are some products I definitely plan on getting hopefully sooner than later for summer.  Here they are:

Sunscreen for face and eyes:
Shiseido Ultimate Sun Protection Cream+ 1 oz. $19.50
Shiseido Sun Protection Eye Cream 0.5 oz. $32.50

Kat Von D Lock-It Tattoo Foundation $34.00
Long Wearing for when I need full coverage
Kat Von D - Lock-It Tattoo Foundation

Make Up For Ever Waterproof, Aqua Shadow in 22E (pearly copper) $20
These are perfect for summer.  They are creamy enough to work with but once they set they don't move.  Bonus that they're waterproof.  ;)
MAKE UP FOR EVER - Aqua Shadow

Bobbi Brown Bronze Shimmer Compact $42
Great for eye shadow or to create a bronze glow.

Sephora Collection Cream Lip Stain in Strawberry Kissed $13.00
These wear really, really long. Michele1218 on You Tube mentioned this and well, of course, now I want it.  :)  Gorgeous color!

Becca Beach Tint Shimmer Souffle $27
These are new and claim to be water resistant with long wearing power.  There are several shades I want (if they are as fabulous as I am hoping) but this is just one I chose.
BECCA - Beach Tint Shimmer Soufflé

So there you have it, some of the items on my never ending makeup wish list.  :)  Do you have any of these or are you interested in trying these?  Do you have your eye on anything for this summer?  Share with us down below!

As always, thanks for spending time with me today!


Friday, March 7, 2014

Fitness Friday - How I Did On Week 2 (first full week)

Hello friends!

This was my first full week making more of an effort to watch what I put in my mouth and get my body moving.  As I write this, I am currently drinking my breakfast: Spinach, Kale, raspberries, blueberries and one banana-delish!  Anyway, the week had a few lows but mostly some highs and that's really what I need to focus on although I need to be aware of what I need to work on-for sure.  At the very end are my weigh in results.

So my goals last week were:
  • Start the day reading and reciting something motivational (book, quote, etc.)
  • Drink water & no soda or juice 
  • Exercise for 40 minutes Monday - Friday
  • Track my food on My Fitness Pal
How I did:

  • The one thing I heard, wrote down and recited this past week was "Push through - You are stronger than you think".  This was said by my fellow friend Michele on YT (her channel is: makeupMLC).  She shared some weigh loss advice and toward the end she said this which seems simple, but for me is so powerful.  
  • I definitely focused on drinking water although last night we had Burger King for dinner and I ordered a half coke, half diet coke which is progress.  
  • I skipped my Tuesday workout but did 35 min. Mon.,  / 15 min. wed. (went right before gym closed) plus strength training (arms&back), / 40 min., Thur. plus s.t. (legs) and today and tomorrow I will be back at the gym.  Today and tomorrow I'll do another 40 min. with arms & back today and legs tomorrow.  So I didn't stick to exactly what I wanted but again..progress.
  • Fail. Let's just be honest..I tracked for only a day and a half.
Next weeks goals are going to be the same but continue adding in strength training.  Oh and here I am last night ready to tackle leg machines and then the elliptical for my cardio.  Christina's "Fighter" helped me get through my workout. :) 

Some things I did that helped make this week easier for me was prepping my food and smoothies.  I went grocery shopping early this week and bought some prepped salads and split them in two for a meal alone or as an appetizer to accompany my lunch or dinner.  I also split baby carrots and cherry tomatoes into snack size bags.  The other prepping I did was make pre-measured juicing/smoothie bags and freeze them.  I took them out 30 min. prior to making and it was so easy to blend, didn't take any time at all.  Here are some pics I took.
Prepped Juicing / Smoothie Bags
 One large prepped salad - I bought 3 different ones and split them into two making a total of 6 salads
 This is one salad split into two, one is almost too much
 Four Salads later and prepped snack bags

 Overall, I think I did good.  I definitely could have increased my cardio BUT the week isn't over for me yet.

Today's weigh in: exactly -2 lbs.  (wish it was more but I will gladly take a loss over a gain)

I hope you got to eat something healthy this week or got your body moving!  Share your tips or thoughts below!


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

(What's On) My Makeup Luxury Wish List

I think I'm going to go ahead and write a series on my different luxury wish lists (skincare, makeup, fragrance and beauty tools).  What do you think?  Today I'll show you some of the makeup items.  I have the hardest time spending a large chunk of hard earned money on one item, do you?  For that reason, I have been putting off getting a few things on my wish list.  I've come to the realization that if I purchase these as a treat, even once a month, all that matters is that I use it and love it.....right? lol.  Okay with that said,  here are a few items that have been on my list for a very long time.

Georgio Armani 'Luminous Silk' Foundation, $62 - This claims to be a sheer to moderate coverage foundation so I'm not sure if it would be for me, but I'm dying to try it since I hear so many great things!

Dior 'Nude Glow' Sun Powder Bronzer, $52 - Actually this bronzer is tied with Guerlain's Terracotta Bronzing Powder, $52.  My friend Vanessa from lipstickvanessa on YT loves the Dior and I've read great reviews on the!!
Guerlain 'Rouge Automatique' Lip Color, $36 - Don't let the price fool you into thinking this is not luxury..$36 for a lipstick?!?!  I admit, I may be interested in this one more for the packaging but surely it's a great product.  (right?)
Burberry Beauty 'Light Glow' Natural Blush in Coral Pink, $42 - I've wanted this one for a couple of years now but my friend Kristin from kristingehm on YT mentioned it last year and said it's a must have...soooo...I must have it right?  YES!
Tom Ford Eyeshadow Quad, $78 - Eek!! One day I may just give in.  In actuality, it comes out to $19.50 an eye shadow which really isn't bad considering the fact that other high end / luxury brands sell single shadows for thirty something dollars a piece.  Mmm Hmm.  :)

Do you see a trend happening here?  A few of the items on my list are definitely You Tube inspired.  Have you tried any of these products or do you have some items on your luxury wish list? If so, let me know down below.  

Thanks for spending time with me today!


Friday, February 28, 2014

Fitness Friday Is Here! Post 1 (for half a week)

I'm not going to lie, I struggled with getting exercise in this week due to having my monthly visitor in town (told you I would be honest).  I've read that this is the best time for a woman to workout because her body is like a man's.  Here's an article on that if you're interested.  So I failed at that but next month will be different, I just know it.  Since today is Friday and the past week for working out was horrible, I want to at least get some exercise in today and tomorrow with rest on if I didn't get enough rest this week right? Blah.  I'll post a quick update on here or Twitter with my accountability check in.

I weighed in for my first number this morning.  I am not comfortable sharing the exact number just yet but probably will at a later time.  What I can tell you is that this number is the highest I've ever been-I honestly felt like crying.  Beginning next Friday, I will share the loss/gain numbers so that I have a full week to report back on.

On a positive note, I did juice this morning which is something I want to incorporate daily.  I made up my own recipe and OMG this is delicious!!!!  Here's the recipe:

1 whole green apple
1/2 banana
1/3 c. blueberries
handful of kale
handful of spinach
juice of 1/2 lemon
approx. 3/4 c. of Healthy Balance Apple Juice (less calories, sugar and carbs)
1 tbsp. fiber

This was soooo yummy.  You definitely cannot taste kale or spinach.  Over the next week I'll be trying other juicing recipes so I'll share my fave sometime next week or on the next Fitness Friday.

Goals for this next week:
  • Start the day reading and reciting something motivational (book, quote, etc.)
  • Drink water & no soda or juice 
  • Exercise for 40 minutes Monday - Friday
  • Track my food on My Fitness Pal
Next week I will share my favorite workout song, recipe / snack, quote and/or article.

I hope you all had a fantastic week!  Leave your thoughts or tips down below. :)

<3, P

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Being An Encouraging / Praising Spouse

As I have mentioned before, my blog is not only about the beauty world but anything and everything, with that said, I feel like sharing an important topic and that is being an encouraging spouse to your man!  Men, whether they like to admit it or not, want to feel needed and loved by YOU!  There are so many lessons I have learned over the years of being with my husband and I want to share some of what I've learned with you.  Don't get me wrong, I don't have everything figured out but I know this works.

  • Acknowledge the role(s) your spouse plays and thank him for that.  If your man doesn't help around the house but he is the money maker in the family, take a moment, look him in the eye and sincerely thank him for supporting you and/or your family.  If he helps take care of other things like changing the oil, changing diapers, taking trash out, ANYTHING...acknowledge that and give him words of affirmation and thanks.  
  • Leave him random love notes.  My husband travels a lot so sometimes I leave a note in between his shirts in his luggage or in his toiletry bag.  I have also left love notes on his laptop, on his side of the mirror, etc.  It doesn't have to be anything deep but can be simple.  Many times my words are: "I love you so much"  "Thank you for working so hard for us" or "I can't wait to see you tonight!".  No need to be super creative, sometimes simple works.
  • One of the MOST important piece of advice that I cannot stress enough is:  PRAISE YOUR SPOUSE IN FRONT OF OTHERS.  I always try to verbally love on my man.  Is my husband perfect? Absolutely not.  But he is in all honesty, very helpful, caring, a wonderful provider, a great listener, among many other qualities.  I usually just pick one to mention.  I notice that when I point out one of his best qualities, he always has a certain look on his face.  Now of course, you wouldn't just blurb this out of nowhere but if there's an opportunity to give him a moment of praise--take it!
I honestly and wholeheartedly believe that doing one or all of the above during random moments can improve your relationship.  So many times we focus on what's wrong with the other person and how we can fix them.  Have an attitude of gratitude and share that with them!  With that said, go love on your man!  :)

Let me know if you try something new or feel free to share your thoughts. 

<3, P

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Favorite February Lip Combo: Make Up For Ever + Buxom

One of these days I am going to post a video on some of my favorite lip combos but for now, I thought I'd share my favorite of the month with you here.  I did post this pic up on Instagram as well.

The first lip product I applied is Make Up For Ever Rouge Artist Intense Lipstick in #11.  This is a pearlized/slightly metallic finish lipstick and the color is described as a pearly rosewood.  When I swatched this lipstick alone inside Sephora I was in love with how different it was from what I own.  When I got home and tried it on, I wasn't thrilled about the color alone so I mixed it with a gloss.  The gloss I layered over it is Buxom's Full On Lip Polish in Clair.  This color is described as a diamond/moonlit mauve.  The combination together is a beautiful, warm mauve rose kind of color.  See for yourself.

Here they are side by side
 What both look like on - indoors
 Swatch of both with direct, natural light facing them
 Swatch of both with indoor lighting

Do you have any lip combination favorites? If so, please share with us down below!  

Thanks for spending time with me today!


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Coming Soon - Fitness Fridays

I read an interesting blurb in the recent March/April 2014 issue of Weight Watchers magazine.  No I am not on the WW program, I just like to read health magazines for tips and motivation.  Anyway, the blurb read "Stay Accountable: Post your weight-loss triumphs, both big (losing 10 pounds) and small (cooking dinner), on social media at least twice a day, etc.".  After reading this I thought about the friends I have on my personal Facebook page who always post pictures or statuses of them working out, their meals, what they've lost, etc.  Is it a coincidence that they're successful while posting their achievements publicly? Hmm.. So I figured I would try this method out and maybe that will help keep me accountable.  Here's what I plan on incorporating on my blog..maybe later on YT.

Every Friday I will post a fitness/health related topic.  It will most likely include: favorite apps, recipes, motivational quote or picture, weekly weigh in results, what my week was like both physically and emotionally, etc.  I definitely want to share my progress as well as what is working and what isn't.

I know that this is truly a journey and that not every day or week is going to go perfect and I am okay with that.  What I want to focus on is NOT GIVING UP.

 I'll share more on my goals this coming Friday and let you know what this week was like for me.  I hope you'll join me and/or support me in this journey, Lord knows I need it.

*TRUE STORY / INTERRUPTION* As I'm writing this post, my husband calls me (it's 10:30 p.m.) and lets me know he is out of work and eating a very late dinner with his co-workers at IHOP and asks if I want him to bring me anything back, like some pancakes.  LOL!  My answer was no.  :)

I look forward to sharing my journey, successes and failures with you all.  I will also be posting tidbits on other areas of social media like Twitter and Instagram so if you're on there, look for me:  prissylovespink.

Before I tuck in for the night, please feel free to share any tips, suggestions or general thoughts for me down below.  I'll leave you with this.

"The World Change Around You ~ "YOU'VE Watched It Happen ~  So, Why Not CHANGE YOUR LIFE With It?" ... "You Can You Know" ...

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Polish Talk: Salma Hayek Nuance in Pink Grapefruit

I posted a picture of this lovely on Instagram last week because I am absolutely crazy about this color.   While at CVS last week, I was on a mission to find some new Spring nail polishes.  I made my way to Salma Hayek (not literally of course, although I wish) and saw that her nail polishes, as opposed to the rest of her beauty line, was pretty affordable so I thought I'd try something new.  Readers meet Pink Grapefruit - Pink Grapefruit meet my readers.  This is the perfect Spring / Summer color, so if you're looking for a color like this, write this down and get it when you can.  You won't be disappointed.  Now, allow me to give you the run down on this beauty.

  • Price:  $5.99
  • Location:   CVS online and in stores
  • Color:  Pink Grapefruit - a nice mix of peach and pink
  • Opacity Level on a 1-5 scale:  2 with one coat, 4 with two coats and 5 with light, buildable three coats
  • Brush:  medium
  • Size:  0.5 ounces
  • Claims:  Chip resistant, long wear, natural botanical extracts, toluene free, formaldehyde free, DBP free
Here's what it looked like on me, this is three, light, buildable coats:

 The photo below is with my hand facing the natural sunlight - a little bright

So what do you think?  Have you tried these nail polishes or anything else from the Salma Hayek Nuance line?  What are some of your favorite spring polishes?

Thanks for spending time with me!


Monday, February 17, 2014

My Makeup Diet

I fully realize we are halfway through February and here I am writing out a part of my "New Year" Resolution.  Truth be told, I think any time of the year is great to mark a new beginning so for me, it will be March.

I've seen a lot of people on You Tube talk about how they're cutting down on their makeup spending and honestly, I think it's a great idea..for me!  It's time to get a hold of my makeup spending.  Now here comes the disclaimer...*disclaimer:  I can purchase makeup / non makeup items needed for my freelance kit.  Okay now that we have that over with, let's get into the juicy details that I know you are dying (not really) to read.

!) First of all, I want to get rid of the feeling that I "NEED" any and all products that are shown in a You Tube video.  Enough with the obsession and feeling of addiction and thinking I need everything.  So what I will do is write a running monthly wish list.  At the end of the month I will evaluate my list and buy (according to my budget) what I feel like I really, really want.

2) At the end of the month, I will give myself $80 to buy what I want - this is MY number.  Yours may be lower or higher but I am comfortable with $80, which is setting aside $20 a week - totally doable.  Now this doesn't mean that I have to spend the full $80.  If I choose not to then the remaining spending money cannot roll over the next month.  It ends on the last day of the month.

3) Let's clarify the freelance purchases.  I am still continuing to build my kit so anything that can be used on clients does not count - these are business purchases.  Now this isn't a loop hole.  Most freelance purchases will consist of brushes, concealers, foundations, powders, bronzers, etc. but there might be a couple of color items depending on the need.  Building a kit is an investment and I definitely want to build my kit based on different looks and needs.

So there you have it..kind of short, sweet and to the point.  I don't want to say I can't buy this or that because that's a little too much restriction for me at this point.  I will probably re-evaluate this "makeup diet" sometime in May and get back to you with any changes, if any.  I'll also keep you updated on how I did at the end of March.

If you have a makeup diet you're on, feel free to share with me below.  This is something that is definitely not a one for all but rather, customized to your budget, needs, wants, etc.

Thanks for spending time with me!